Form 8 / Modern classic
These years beautiful old houses and apartments are being remodelled true to the original design and materials. Many, however, are seeking a modern Nordic twist. This is the background for Multiform’s new kitchen classic Form 8. The new kitchen design is an interpretation of the country kitchen in a modern layout that fits the many homes where the Nordic design characteristic is predominant.
Form 8 / Case Odense
Form 8 er forbundet med en nordisk enkelhed, der taler i oplagt forlængelse af den totalrenoverede murermestervilla fra 1923. Her er de indrammede skuffer fra Form 8 med til at føre fortidens klassiske dyder med stuklofter, sildebensparketgulv og paneler op i et nutidigt udtryk. Det hele balancerer perfekt og fremstår stadig eksklusivt – ikke mindst pga. den smukke marmorplade, der ligeledes binder fortid sammen med nutid.

If the surface is painted it is important to find just the perfect colour. On average, we are able to see 10 million different colours. At Multiform, there are no restrictions – and it’s the same when it comes to colour. We offer all the colours from the two most common colour systems in painted surfaces (RAL and NSC system). This way we can guarantee that your kitchen gets exactly the colour your kitchen should have.
We finish all surfaces with clear, water-based varnish. It helps to keep the surfaces – natural or painted – beautiful for many years without harming the environment
“A kitchen is not only about practicality and functionality. It’s also about the daily enjoyment.”
Carsten Michelsen, Designer
Form 8 / Specifications
With Form 8, we are redefining the Nordic country kitchen and combining country idyll with exclusivity.
Form 8 veneer: 60 mm solid oak frames with filling. Quarter-cut oak or stained oak.
Form 8 painted: MDF boards with milling. Available in all colors.
Multiform, 2022